So, Here is a list of things, you should probably NOT avoid on The Love day!
1- Don't Just spend it home watching TV and eat loads of chocolates and cookies! It is after all Friday night for God's Sake! Don't crash on the couch! Find your other single friends and have a wild night out!
2- Don't avoid going to Malls! Absolutely not!! I say, get advantage of the Valentine's Day Sale and ABUSE it! Shop till you drop! It is the least the world can offer when you are single!
3- Don't Avoid Flower & Chocolate shops! on The contrary, go get yourself a bouquet of your favorite flowers, a box of your favorite chocolate and have them at your home to share with your friends before your big night out with them! :)
4- Don't Avoid wearing red, although i would have to agree that wearing red on Valentine's day is a bit cheesy, but if you wear it at Christmas you might as well wear it for Valentine's!
5- Don't Avoid planning your married best friend outing! just because she is trying to have her perfect evening with your help, you can't have yours without anyone's help :)
6- last but not least! Don't Avoid the WORLD.... don't make this day about you being lonely, make it about love flying in the AIR in the entire universe! Celebrate the love you have for yourself, family and Friends! Love the fact that you are ALIVE and Healthy!
Mother Theresa said "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." and i totally agree...
Happy Love day Everyone!
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