Monday, April 21, 2014

Electric Cars

What do you think of when you think of electric cars? I bet you don't think that the concept has been around for 182 years. Around 1832 and 1839 a Scottish inventor named Robert Anderson invented the first raw electric carriage powered by non-rechargable primary cells . Fifty- two years later in 1891 a man named William Morrison built the first successful electric car in Des Moines, Iowa. By 1899 Thomas Edison had vowed to create a long lasting strong battery for commercial vehicles. In 1900 there were 4,192 electrical cars produced in the U.S. 

    In 1966 congress introduced a new bill recommending the use of electrical cars to reduce pollution in the air. Thirty-four years later a few thousand all electric cars had been produced by big name car manufactuers. In 2008 the Israeli government announced their support to promote the use of electric cars. In that same year Barack Obama ran for president and in his campaign trail he expressed he shall push to have 1 million plug in cars by 2015. Considering the actual slow rate of sales, in 2012 industry observers concluded that his goal was unattainable. Since 2008 there have now been over 194,000 highway capable electrical cars.

    Pros of driving a electric car: quiet, quick, rechargeable at home, cheaper to operate, and no tailpipe emissions. The cons of driving an electric car: limited range 80-100 miles, long refueling time, higher cost, lack of consumer choice. Considering the pros and cons is an electric car the car for you?

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